Blue Monday… a recruiter’s secret weapon?

how to make Blue Monday not so blue in recruitment industry

According to psychologists the third Monday in January, also known as Blue Monday, is allegedly the saddest day of the year. However, for recruiters it can be one of the best days to pull in new candidates, engage with old recruits, as well as establishing your goals for the year ahead and much more.

The recruitment market is all about good marketing, and guess what? Blue Monday is your megaphone moment. It’s time to shout about the amazing jobs you have on offer and show off your agency’s awesomeness.

So, forget the doom and gloom, here are a couple of ways you can make Blue Monday brighter!

Raise conversation generating questions.

January is the perfect time to build new relationships, one easy way is by starting engaging conversations on social, it can be as little as asking what someone’s dream job could be, following up any comments and answers can lead to warm leads, which may turn into candidates, you never know!

Engage with emails.

A great time to set up an email campaign is Blue Monday, create captivating and informative email campaigns showcasing your best job offers and agency strengths. Remember, job seekers on a gloomy day might just be looking for a ray of hope in their inbox. With recruitment software like Eclipse, your candidates’ details are just a click away.

Candidate calling.

In today’s candidate-driven market, cold calls can be hit-or-miss. But on Blue Monday, open ears are more likely. Tip for making the conversation flow include being prepared with clear descriptions of exciting opportunities to make the most of their receptive moment, but also take the time to listen to their needs in their next job.

Job board clickathon.

January sees the almost 10% of the years job ads, this is the perfect time to create irresistible job ads that cut through the noise and paint a vivid picture of what it’s like to thrive in your roles. Utilising Eclipse Core allows you to post your job ads directly to job boards.

Candidate attracting.

Stop chasing and start attracting! Blue Monday sees a surge of proactive job seekers actively searching for new opportunities. Focus on identifying strong candidates and nurturing promising leads.

Strategic thinking.

Two weeks into the new year, Blue Monday offers a chance to assess your recruitment strategy. Are current methods working? Now is the optimal time to adapt and pivot before the busy hiring months ahead are upon you all too quick. Ask yourself… Is your recruitment process working? Are you utilising your tools, is your current CRM working for you?

With all that said Blue Monday can be a powerful tool for attracting top talent. Embrace the potential, unleash your creativity, and watch those applications roll in! Remember, you’re not just sending emails, you’re offering a lifeline to escape the Monday blues and land their next job.