Recruitment Software vs HR Software

Recruitment Software vs HR Software – What’s The Difference?

Confusion often surrounds the difference between recruitment software and HR software. They both ensure the easy management of people and data and are fundamental for any business – but does this mean they are one and the same? Both softwares are actually very different in terms of their purpose and functionality, but can work side […]

Why Send Emails Through Your Recruitment CRM Software

3 Reasons To Send Emails Through Your Recruitment CRM Software

As anyone who has faced the daunting prospect of an overflowing inbox understands all too well, we simply can’t live without email. Email is the number one source of communication, with clients and candidates, alike, and often acts as the binding contract for which you can reference. Given the importance of email, what process can […]

5 Ways Recruitment Software Improves Your Processes

5 Ways Recruitment Software Improves Your Processes

Successful recruitment agencies are built on ensuring that their processes are as watertight as possible. However, according to 8×8’s recent survey, over 25% of recruitment agencies’ weekly hours are spent on inefficient practices. In the majority of cases, this may be the result of a combination of factors; poor communication, human error and outdated manual […]

5 Tips To Encourage Recruiters To Use Your Recruitment CRM Software

5 Tips To Encourage Recruiters To Use Your Recruitment CRM Software

It doesn’t matter how comprehensive your recruitment CRM software is – if your recruitment consultants don’t use it in a consistent way (or at all) it won’t be a worthwhile investment. So, if your real problem is that your recruiters are not using your recruitment CRM at all, or in different ways, what are the […]

5 Underrated Boolean Search Operators For Recruiters

5 Intermediate Boolean Search Operators For Recruiters

Every year, there are new, innovative developments within recruitment, whether it’s Google For Jobs, AI in recruitment or how to leverage the new social media platform to find better candidates. Consequently, it is very easy to become inundated with ideas about the “next big thing” and never actually implement new tactics to improve your day-to-day […]